




The Smiths - 1984, February

The Smiths - 1984, February

Hatful of Hollow LP - 1984, November

Hatful of Hollow-1984, Nov




Meat is murder - February, 1985

Meat is murder - February, 1985




The queen is dead - 1986, June

The queen is dead - 1986, June




The world won't listen - 1987, February

The world won't listen - 1987, February

Louder than bombs - 1987, March

Louder than bombs - 1987, March

Strangeways here we come - 1987, September

Strangeways here we come - 1987, September




Rank - 1988, September

Rank - 1988, September






Hand in glove - 1984, may

Hand in glove - 1984, may

The Smiths - 1983, october

This charming man - 1983, october



What difference does it make - The Smiths

What difference does it make ? - Jan 1984

While Terence Stamp Objected to use his image

What difference does it make? - Morrissey

Hand in glove - Sandie Shaw with the Smiths

Hand in glove - Sandie Shaw, 1984, April

Heaven Knows I'm miserable now - 1984, May

Heaven Knows I'm miserable now- 1984, May

The Smiths - 1984, august

William it was really nothing - The Smiths - 1984 Aug

When A.D.S. company did not give consent to use the image

William it was really nothing - Billie Withelaw



How soon is now - 1985, February, UK

How soon is now UK - 1985, Februar

how soon is now US

how soon is now US

How soon is now? - Europe

How soon is now? - Europe

Shakespeares Sister - The Smiths

Shakespeares Sister - 1985, March

Barbarism begins at home - The Smiths

Barbarism begins at home - Germany, April, 1985

Headmaster Ritual - The Smiths

Headmaster Ritual - Netherland, jun-jul

Headmaster Ritual 2 - The Smiths

Headmaster Ritual 2 - Netherland, Jun-Jul

That joke isn't funny anymore - 1985, July

That joke isn't funny anymore - 1985, July

The boy with the thorn in his side - 1986, September

The boy with the thorn in his side - 1986, Sep



Bigmouth strikes again - 1986, May

Bigmouth strikes again - 1986, May

Panic - July, 1986

Panic - July, 1986

Some girls are bigger than others -Germany, 1986

Some girls are bigger than others - Ger, 1986

Ask - 1986, October

Ask - 1986, October

Ask - Germany, 1986

Ask - Germany, 1986

Ask - Australia, 1986

Ask - Australia, 1986



Shoplifters of the world unite - January, 1987

Shoplifters of the world unite - January, 1987

There is a light that never goes out - January, 1986

There is a light that never goes out - France, '86, Jan

Sheila take a bow - April, 1987

Sheila take a bow - April, 1987

Girlfriend in a coma - August, 1987

Girlfriend in a coma - August, 1987

I started something I couldn't finish - 1987, November

I started sth I couldn't finish - 1987, November

Last night I dreamt that somebody love me -  1987, December

Last night I dreamt that sb loved me - 1987, Dec


Stop me if you think you've heard this one before - Germany, 1987, November

Stop me if you think you've heard this one bef - Germany, 1987, Nov

Stop me if you think you've heard this one before - Netherlands, 1987, November

Stop me if you think you've heard this one bef - Netherlands, 1987, Nov

Stop me if you think you've heard this one before - US & CAN, 1987, November

Stop me if you think you've heard this one bef - US & CAN, 1987, Nov

Stop me if you think you've heard this one before - Australia, 1987, November

Stop me if you think you've heard this one bef - Australia, 1987, Nov